Friday, August 24, 2012

Eagle Exhibit!

Every year, the Ozarks Student Life office sponsors the Eagle Exhibit in which student organizations can let new (and returning) students know the kinds of extracurricular opportunities available on campus.  The Communication department is represented by SCM Studio (the organization for Strategic Communication majors) and by KUOZ Channel 6/KUOZ 100.5.
SCM Officers for 2012-13 take a break to pose for the camera.
KUOZ staff is ready to answer questions.
Both KUOZ and SCM Studio will be having a number of activities this year, and we hope students will take the opportunity to be involved.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

KUOZ - Another Great Year Ahead!

Students met this afternoon for the organizational meeting for KUOZ Channel 6 and KUOZ 110.5. Here's a report from Susan Edens, Director of Broadcasting:

We had a great meeting this afternoon, led by Corey Snyder. It was kind of an “all call” for students interested in working on radio or television production projects this fall and we had ten new students there as well as several veterans.

Corey talked to them about all of the planned events we have coming up, including high school football, the WAIS Lecture series, his sports show, radio opportunities, and opportunities for them to create their own programs. He emphasized the importance of gathering material leading up to our election night coverage, saying,  “I want us to get together with SCM and Poli Sci majors to put together something ongoing, leading up to the election.”

Corey also pointed out the opportunities available to freshman or new students: “We want to use these show concepts as a way of introducing you to the program and the equipment.”

Here's a short clip from the meeting:

As Susan said, it's going to be a great year!

Monday, August 20, 2012

New Year, New Faces

Some of the top events for orientation today were the "Professional Preparation" meetings, in which students can check out their interest in a particular field of study. We had 15 or so new freshmen at the meeting for Communication, along with several current students. The session gives students an overview of the two majors, as well as a glimpse into the type of activities they may have the opportunity to be part of - "paraprofessional" activities, as Susan Edens called them.

Welcome to our new students! Here's hoping we all have a great year!